Tag: Raqqa

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A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians
A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians
April 30, 2019

The coalition launched thousands of airstrikes and tens of thousands of artillery strikes on the city. U.S. troops fired more artillery into Raqqa than anywhere since the Vietnam War.

‘Entire Families Wiped Out’: US Airstrikes Killed Many Civilians in Syria
November 12, 2018

One year after the U.S.-led military campaign against ISIS ended in Raqqa, Khamis' team is still recovering the remains of the battle's casualties… For now, Raqqa's people are left to count their dead largely alone, while the U.S. and other powers strike elsewhere in Syria.

‘Entire Families Wiped Out’: US Airstrikes Killed Many Civilians in Syria
Editor's Сhoice
Amnesty: US-Led Coalition Committed War Crimes In Raqqa, Syria
Editor's Сhoice
Amnesty: US-Led Coalition Committed War Crimes In Raqqa, Syria
June 8, 2018

“Everyone we spoke to in Raqqa agreed that Isis had to be defeated. But they asked why their families had to be killed and their city destroyed in the process.”

Massacre in Raqqa
July 22, 2017

Defenseless civilians in Raqqa are being massacred daily by US terror-bombing. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria “intensification of air strikes, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in a staggering loss of civilian li(ves), but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced.”

Massacre in Raqqa
Editor's Сhoice
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Idlib — more than Raqqa — may be decisive Syria fault line
Editor's Сhoice
Idlib — more than Raqqa — may be decisive Syria fault line
March 28, 2017

“Turkey’s last-ditch efforts to harness Russian military and diplomatic heft to counter the Syrian Kurds and unravel their alliance with the United States are showing few signs of succeeding, like much else in the country’s ill-fated Syrian policy,” writes Amberin Zaman.