Tag: Quad

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Why QUAD Is Irreplaceable
Why QUAD Is Irreplaceable
February 14, 2022

QUAD provides an umbrella to huddle together behind closed doors and give vent to their grouse against China in hushed tone — a safety valve for pent-up frustrations.

Best Laid Plans… Washington’s Zero-Sum Mindset Alienates Allies
October 15, 2021

How bitterly amusing that when Joe Biden was elected U.S. president he promised to bring allies together.

Best Laid Plans… Washington’s Zero-Sum Mindset Alienates Allies
What Does India Get Out of ‘Quad’ Membership?
Editor's Сhoice
What Does India Get Out of ‘Quad’ Membership?
October 11, 2021

The Quadrilateral group’s leaders’ meeting in the White House on Sept. 24 appears to have shifted focus away from its original framing as a security dialogue among four countries: the United States, India, Japan and Australia.