Tag: Public Health

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The Journalist-Run, Intelligence-Linked Operation That Warped British Pandemic Policy
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The Journalist-Run, Intelligence-Linked Operation That Warped British Pandemic Policy
November 22, 2022

Presented as an independent voice for “unbiased” scientific advice, iSAGE provided a channel for media spinmeisters, spies and psy-op specialists to influence Britain’s pandemic policy without accountability. Leaked internal emails show members fretting over its unethical methods.

FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials Is ‘Grossly Inadequate,’ Say Experts
November 18, 2022

Covid-19 vaccines and drugs were developed at “warp speed” and now experts are concerned that the US Food and Drug Administration inspected too few clinical trial sites. Maryanne Demasi reports

FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials Is ‘Grossly Inadequate,’ Say Experts
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White House Hunger Conference Offers Only Token ‘Solutions’ to a Mounting Social Crisis
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White House Hunger Conference Offers Only Token ‘Solutions’ to a Mounting Social Crisis
September 30, 2022

The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, held Wednesday by the Biden administration, was an event that reveals the bankruptcy of American capitalism. In the richest country in the world, which exports more food than any other, there are millions who go hungry, not because of inadequate supplies, but because they are poor.

Is Your Government Ready For Another Pandemic?
August 21, 2022

With polio now confirmed in New York City’s wastewater and monkeypox having spread around the world – albeit with mortality rates remaining low – it appears that disease outbreaks are happening faster and more frequently than before.

Is Your Government Ready For Another Pandemic?
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New Research Finds CIA Used Black Americans As Drugs Experiment Guinea Pigs
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New Research Finds CIA Used Black Americans As Drugs Experiment Guinea Pigs
August 15, 2022

By now, many will be familiar with Project MKULTRA. For decades, the CIA conducted highly unethical experiments on humans in order to perfect brainwashing, mind control and torture techniques.

Elon Musk Isn’t a Threat to Society’s Health. All Billionaires Are
April 28, 2022

The most dangerous thing about Elon Musk buying Twitter outright for $44 billion is the rapidly spreading notion that his controlling an influential social media platform is dangerous. It is, but not for any of the reasons his critics assert.

Elon Musk Isn’t a Threat to Society’s Health. All Billionaires Are
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Germany’s Priorities Are a Queer Commissioner and Female Crash Test Dummies
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Germany’s Priorities Are a Queer Commissioner and Female Crash Test Dummies
January 9, 2022

How did Germany manage to exist for more than 70 years without a queer commissioner? Many may be forgiven for not having pondered this question, especially during a pandemic which has decimated the civil rights of a third of the population.

Have Professional Athletes Become the Canary in the Covid Coalmine?
December 10, 2021

The sudden spate of on-field emergencies has raised questions among several seasoned veterans of the game, Robert Bridge writes.

Have Professional Athletes Become the Canary in the Covid Coalmine?