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How Gavin Williamson Almost Certainly Got Caught
Editor's Сhoice
How Gavin Williamson Almost Certainly Got Caught
May 8, 2019

It’s ironic is it not that the Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, so close to the security services should get caught by the very surveillance services the state has been denying any knowledge of. Craig Murray, former UK ambassador makes an excellent point when it comes to Williamson’s downfall, that America did not want Britain to build 5G infrastructure using Huawei technology – and got its way, irrespective. As for Britain – unable to make even basic decisions without controversy is just another indication of the sheer ineptitude of government the nation is suffering from. Nothing like taking back control eh!

The Still-Missing Evidence of Russia-gate
January 3, 2018

The central groupthink around Russia-gate is the still unproven claim that Russia hacked Democratic emails in 2016 and publicized them via WikiLeaks, a crucial issue that NSA experts say should be easy to prove if true.

The Still-Missing Evidence of Russia-gate
Editor's Сhoice
The Pursuit of Edward Snowden
The Pursuit of Edward Snowden
July 13, 2013

Latin America responded to the Morales plane incident by rallying to Snowden’s side. Offers of asylum came from Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia and Brazilian legislators called for Brazil to reverse its original denial of asylum and grant it to Snowden… Meanwhile, the Pussy Riot- and FEMEN-supporting U.S. to Moscow, Michael McFaul looked more and more foolish as he pressed Moscow to return Snowden to American soil. Instead, Snowden was permitted to meet human rights officials at Moscow’s airport… America was once again being treated as the renegade country it was during the Bush administration. The only difference was that Obama was putting more resources into capturing Snowden than Bush did in apprehending Bin Laden…

US-EU Spy Scandal Challenges Transatlantic Trade Talks
July 8, 2013

Snowden’s revelations have put a deep freeze on US-EU relations. Diplomats in Europe are searching for (and finding) bugs in their embassies. Influential politicians speak about this unprecedented betrayal of the transatlantic partnership. The popular German magazine SPIEGEL has published its bitter conclusion: «Berlin is a third-class ally». Can this super-scandal doom the trade talks with the US?..

US-EU Spy Scandal Challenges Transatlantic Trade Talks
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USA-EU: Free Trade Zone Under Electronic Surveillance
USA-EU: Free Trade Zone Under Electronic Surveillance
July 8, 2013

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership presupposes tackling many more problems in comparison, for example, with NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement). Electronic surveillance against Europe is an illustration of how the United States achieves unilateral advantages. The fact this information has come into the open will hardly help overcome the obstacles on the way of creating the «economic NATO»…

The All-Seeing Eye of Big Brother
June 30, 2013

Europe and the US are being rocked by scandals related to the creation of a system of total surveillance and control over the population of the planet. In the middle of June, human rights defenders from the American Civil Liberties Union sued the US government and US intelligence agencies for wiretapping. At the same time, the European Union has demanded an explanation in connection with reports that the US intelligence services have been gathering information on the telephone calls and internet activity of citizens of EU member states…

The All-Seeing Eye of Big Brother
The U.S. Sees the World through a PRISM
The U.S. Sees the World through a PRISM
June 29, 2013

The scandal which broke on June 7 around articles published in the American newspaper The Washington Post and the British paper The Guardian could very well be more damaging to the United States than the scandal surrounding Wikileaks… We need to accept a simple thesis: security in the information society is even more «nationally oriented» than classic security. Now, when the world is still in shock from what is happening, is the time to implement the initiatives of Russia and China for the international regulation of cyberspace. It may be that even those countries which previously hesitated to support these initiatives could significantly change their positions and a resolution of the issue might finally get off the ground…

Under Electronic Surveillance of US Special Services
June 25, 2013

The CIA and the NSA (the US National Security Agency) whistleblower Edward Snowden (who temporarily had found refuge in Hong Kong and now is leaving elsewhere) has demonstrated once more the global reach of US electronic surveillance which, no doubt, is a kind of criminal activities. He looked really deep into what the NSA does and was terrified by the things he found out. So the man is on his way looking for a safe shelter to continue the revelations…

Under Electronic Surveillance of US Special Services