Tag: Petraeus

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Playing at War in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
Playing at War in Ukraine
October 25, 2022

As the astute author Hunter S. Thompson noted, “When thegoinggets weird, theweird turn pro. Weird is indisputably the condition in Great Britain, where Liz Truss, an arguably empty and talentless prime minister, is out—and was, it seemed for a moment, very nearly replaced by her vacuous predecessor, Boris Johnson.

Petraeus Redux?
December 2, 2016

The news that President-elect Donald Trump called in disgraced retired Gen. David Petraeus for a job interview as possible Secretary of State tests whether Trump’s experience in hosting “The Celebrity Apprentice” honed his skills for spotting an incompetent phony or not…

Petraeus Redux?
Editor's Сhoice
Convicted Criminal David Petraeus to Represent US at Bilderberg
Editor's Сhoice
Convicted Criminal David Petraeus to Represent US at Bilderberg
June 12, 2015

In April former CIA director and retired general David Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of handing over classified information to his mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell. He was sentenced to two years probation and a $100,000 fine.

General David Petraeus: Back into the National Spotlight
March 25, 2015

Another scandal is on the rise in the United States and David Petraeus, former CIA Director and four-star Army four General, is in focus again… It looked like his career was over, the reputation in the puritan America was damaged and he no longer had a chance to work for the government. Not that easy. General Petraeus can fight his final battle during the 2016 presidential race. Hillary Clinton is going to be the leading candidate to run on the Democratic ticket. As a Republican, David Petraeus has something to say about it…

General David Petraeus: Back into the National Spotlight
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A Third-Rate Intelligence Agency for a Failing Super-Power: The CIA’s Global Demise
A Third-Rate Intelligence Agency for a Failing Super-Power: The CIA’s Global Demise
December 21, 2011

On November 26, a U.S. air strike killed 24 Pakistani military personnel on the Pakistani border with Afghanistan. The incident, which frayed already poor relations between the United States and Pakistan, resulted in the U.S. being expelled from the Shamsi airbase in Pakistan, one from which CIA drones were launched… The debacle that resulted in the loss of the Shamsi drone base was followed by the biggest intelligence failure to date, the downing by accident or hostile action, including through possible electronic warfare “spoofing,” of an RQ-170 Sentinel stealth-enabled drone over Iran…

Petraeus at CIA and Panetta at Pentagon: more of the same and worse
April 29, 2011

Plans by President Obama to name General David Petraeus, the current commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, replacing Leon Panetta, who will move to the Pentagon as Secretary of Defense, not only represents a continuation of America’s war policy but will result in an increase in America’s bellicose foreign policy around the world…

Petraeus at CIA and Panetta at Pentagon: more of the same and worse