Tag: Paul Robeson

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Paul Robeson and the Battle for the Soul of America
Paul Robeson and the Battle for the Soul of America
November 16, 2019

This fight within the heart of America has been confusing for many people who accustomed themselves to interpret world history from the distorted lens of the age in which they live.

Trump’s Relationship to Russia and China: A Revival of the Henry Wallace Doctrine for the Post-War World?
July 6, 2019

During the course of the G20 important agreements and alliances were reached between Russia-China and the USA which indicate that President Trump is not “just another neo-con”, but is actually working to re-orient the United States into a strategic alliance with the Eurasian superpowers.

Trump’s Relationship to Russia and China: A Revival of the Henry Wallace Doctrine for the Post-War World?
US Policy Paradox: How to Lose Friends and Influence Nothing
Editor's Сhoice
US Policy Paradox: How to Lose Friends and Influence Nothing
August 20, 2017

When Paul Robeson belted out the lyric “I’m tired of living, and scared of dying,” he stumbled on to a paradox of emotional dissonance that could easily define the geo-strategic cognitive dissonance that the US exhibits when dealing with its fellow superpowers Russia and China.