Tag: Ilhan Omar

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Israel on the Defensive: Congressmen Demonstrate Their True Allegiance
Israel on the Defensive: Congressmen Demonstrate Their True Allegiance
June 17, 2021

Ilhan Omar was right on all points, but still she had to surrender to the force majeure of Israel and its host of allies in the U.S. Congress.

The Lie That A Kinder, Gentler U.S. Empire Is Possible
June 11, 2021

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar has once again been the center of an artificial controversy launched in bad faith, this time over a tweet where she mentioned the United States and Israel in the same breath as Hamas and the Taliban as perpetrators of “unthinkable atrocities”.

The Lie That A Kinder, Gentler U.S. Empire Is Possible
Editor's Сhoice
Lies, Newsweek and Control of the Media Narrative: First-Hand Account
Editor's Сhoice
Lies, Newsweek and Control of the Media Narrative: First-Hand Account
December 18, 2019

In the aftermath of the Iraq war and during my time studying this failure of the media since, I was of course extremely aware of the high likelihood that the U.S. government narrative on Syria was a deception.

America’s Stability Is Worth More Than Ilhan Omar’s Silence
September 5, 2019

Another nail in the coffin of American stability may have been driven in just a few days ago as Alabama Republicans adopted a resolution trying to get Representative Ilhan Omar to be expelled from Congress.

America’s Stability Is Worth More Than Ilhan Omar’s Silence
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I Know What It’s Like to Be Told to ‘Go Back’ to My Own Country
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I Know What It’s Like to Be Told to ‘Go Back’ to My Own Country
July 17, 2019

I’m trying not to go blind, even though the tears that come more and more often these days make it harder than ever to see the nation for which my parents gave up so much to call their own.

It’s Not ‘Anti-Semitic’ to Question the Influence of AIPAC in American Politics
March 14, 2019

Whatever the case may be, the essence of the question remains the same: Does AIPAC, as well as many other lobbying groups, wield too much power in the US political system?

It’s Not ‘Anti-Semitic’ to Question the Influence of AIPAC in American Politics
Ilhan Omar Is Just Another Victim of Zion’s Politically Lethal Sting
Ilhan Omar Is Just Another Victim of Zion’s Politically Lethal Sting
March 13, 2019

Omar is merely the latest in a long line of US politicians who have faced the onslaught of Israel’s powerful lobbying vise grip in Washington.

How (And How Not) to Beat a Smear Campaign
March 3, 2019

Anyone challenging authorized narratives and the status quo of oligarchic hegemony can have their reputations destroyed by the lackeys of the plutocratic class which exerts massive influence over the political/media class, thereby neutralizing their ability to influence the public.

How (And How Not) to Beat a Smear Campaign
Editor's Сhoice