Tag: Nunes memo

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The Nunes Memo Matters—But Not For the Reason You Think
Editor's Сhoice
The Nunes Memo Matters—But Not For the Reason You Think
February 9, 2018

California Congressman Devin Nunes’s now-infamous memo contains the details of how the Department of Justice secured a FISA warrant to surveil former Donald Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. Many feel the memo raises questions about bias inside the FBI and the legal and ethical use of a Trump opposition research dossier as justification for a FISA warrant. Others claim it’s irrelevant, a dud.

The Washington Post’s Shoddy Defense of the Russiagate Investigation
February 9, 2018

The Nunes Memo summarizes a case that the campaign to replace Trump by Pence has used tactics which are illegal in the United States, and which should be illegal in any democracy.

The Washington Post’s Shoddy Defense of the Russiagate Investigation
Nunes Memo: Another Step Towards Proving Russiagate Is a Hoax
Nunes Memo: Another Step Towards Proving Russiagate Is a Hoax
February 8, 2018

If the alleged Russiagate conspiracy is never actually demonstrated, it would certainly disappoint the many American talking heads and media “experts” who have been making a living off of bashing Moscow 24/7, but it might also provide a window for the White House to fulfill its electoral promise to fix the Russia relationship.