Tag: NSA

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Blinken’s visa threats expose U.S. hypocrisy
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Blinken’s visa threats expose U.S. hypocrisy
May 10, 2024

“A good example,” said Pope Francis, “brings about so much good, but hypocrisy brings about so much evil.”

FISA exchanges real liberty for phantom security
April 18, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson betrayed liberty and the Constitution by making a full-court press to get a “clean” reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act through the House.

FISA exchanges real liberty for phantom security
Editor's Сhoice
Government Purchase of Commercial Available Information Further Undermines Public Trust
Editor's Сhoice
Government Purchase of Commercial Available Information Further Undermines Public Trust
March 29, 2024

Recent news reporting revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been purchasing American citizens’ Internet browsing information from commercial brokers without a legal warrant.  

Overclassification and Mar-a-Lago
September 4, 2022

Let’s commit a potential crime by reading this: “Every day the Iraqis turn out military communiques threatening ‘severe punishment’ against Iran.” That line is classified, albeit from 1988. It was put into the public sphere via Wikileaks but never officially declassified. Technically it remains classified even though it is a click away for anybody with internet access.

Overclassification and Mar-a-Lago
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Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
December 10, 2021

Danish military intelligence has been systematically spying upon its own citizens for United States economic profit and political interests.

Likely Assassination of UN Chief by US, British and South African Intelligence Happened 60 Years Ago Today
September 18, 2021

New evidence over the past decade has led to a UN probe into the probable assassination of the second UN chief, but U.S., British and South African intelligence are rebuffing UN demands to declassify files to get at the truth.

Likely Assassination of UN Chief by US, British and South African Intelligence Happened 60 Years Ago Today
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Deter, Defend and Spy on Your Friends
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Deter, Defend and Spy on Your Friends
June 8, 2021

There’s no guarantee whatever that the NSA has refrained or will refrain in future from eavesdropping on Washington’s NATO allies.

Banana Kingdom Denmark Exposed Naked in Bed with U.S. Spy Agency: Europe’s Neighboring Leaders Break Silence
June 2, 2021

The so-called “social democrats”, referred to as “socialists” by the likes of Bernie Sanders are the most endearing Danish politician lap dogs.

Banana Kingdom Denmark Exposed Naked in Bed with U.S. Spy Agency: Europe’s Neighboring Leaders Break Silence