Tag: Norway

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La militarización de Escandinavia y la Gran Guerra del Norte 2.0
La militarización de Escandinavia y la Gran Guerra del Norte 2.0
September 15, 2024

Cómo una región de paz se convirtió en una primera línea estadounidense

Com forte atuação do Reino Unido, OTAN escala militarização do Ártico
August 6, 2024

Após anos ignorando a relevância geopolítica do Ártico, OTAN está preocupada com a hegemonia regional russa, razão pela qual está usando países escandinavos para garantir acesso às zonas do norte.

Com forte atuação do Reino Unido, OTAN escala militarização do Ártico
Spearheaded by the UK, NATO escalates militarization of the Arctic
Spearheaded by the UK, NATO escalates militarization of the Arctic
August 6, 2024

After years of ignoring the geopolitical relevance of the Arctic, NATO is concerned about Russian regional hegemony, which is why it is using Scandinavian countries to guarantee access to northern areas.

Yet Another Iranian ‘Mata Hari’ Scoops NATO’s Nobel Peace Prize
October 9, 2023

Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs.

Yet Another Iranian ‘Mata Hari’ Scoops NATO’s Nobel Peace Prize
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Meet Norway, the War Profiteer
Meet Norway, the War Profiteer
June 6, 2023

In 2022, Norway became Europe’s largest supplier of natural gas in 2022 after the EU cut energy ties with Russia, earning a whooping $140 billion in revenues from energy exports.

Sy Hersh and the Way We Live Now
February 11, 2023

Hersh tells the story of the US destruction of the Nordstream pipelines in forensic detail, giving dates, times, method and military units involved. He also outlines the importance of the Norwegian armed forces working alongside the US Navy in the operation.

Sy Hersh and the Way We Live Now
Editor's Сhoice
John Kerry’s Think Tank Calls for War With Russia Over Climate Change
Editor's Сhoice
John Kerry’s Think Tank Calls for War With Russia Over Climate Change
December 11, 2020

While many activists may have taken heart at Kerry’s tough words, it is doubtful whether occupying Norway or expanding the network of ICE camps was exactly what they had in mind when they said they wanted the government to act on climate change.

Environmentalism Leads to Technocracy
September 21, 2019

There is a massive trendy push for environmentalism, but the system does not allow for the sweeping changes that some wants, this contradiction leads to what Tim Kirby refers to as the “Technocratic Approach”.

Environmentalism Leads to Technocracy