Tag: New York

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Biggest Contracts Expiring in 2023
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Biggest Contracts Expiring in 2023
January 4, 2023

Negotiations will take place in 2023 for some of the biggest contracts in the labor movement, including at UPS and the Big Three automakers.

Is Your Government Ready For Another Pandemic?
August 21, 2022

With polio now confirmed in New York City’s wastewater and monkeypox having spread around the world – albeit with mortality rates remaining low – it appears that disease outbreaks are happening faster and more frequently than before.

Is Your Government Ready For Another Pandemic?
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Hunter Biden’s Wife Seen at SoHo Gallery As Controversial Art Show Opens
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Hunter Biden’s Wife Seen at SoHo Gallery As Controversial Art Show Opens
November 14, 2021

The hotly anticipated and controversial solo art show by Hunter Biden finally opened Saturday in SoHo. Workers took down the paper covering the windows and posted Biden’s paintings, and Biden’s wife stopped by the space.

Aloha New York (or, Escape From New York)
June 15, 2021

I keep wanting to love this city but it keeps fighting back. I finally realized it became an abusive relationship and it was time to leave. I no longer live there. My adult kids and quite a few of my neighbors bailed out months ago.

Aloha New York (or, Escape From New York)
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Black Men Are Dying in New York Like Their Lives Don’t Matter
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Black Men Are Dying in New York Like Their Lives Don’t Matter
May 17, 2021

Black men are systemically shot and killed in New York City and no one seems to care because the triggers aren’t pulled by cops. If you say discussing this is a distraction from racism, you do it from atop a lot of graves. And how can anyone say that doesn’t matter?

How Corrupt Is America? David Sirota Reports, but Will America’s Media Stop Covering-Up?
February 21, 2021

On February 19th, The Hill headlined “Sirota: It’s up to Democrats to hold Cuomo accountable” and hid the bigger and still hidden story, which is that America’s ‘news’-media had been hiding this enormous corruption-story for as long as they possibly could.

How Corrupt Is America? David Sirota Reports, but Will America’s Media Stop Covering-Up?
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Covid Karma: U.S. Lockdown Kings Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo Suffer Political Fallout
Covid Karma: U.S. Lockdown Kings Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo Suffer Political Fallout
February 20, 2021

The draconian lockdowns imposed by dozens of Democratic leaders, did very little to halt the outbreak of Covid, Robert Bridge writes.

Catch and Kill: the Protection Racket Used by Trump, Weinstein, Epstein and Wall Street
July 25, 2020

The only element of truth and facts that the American people have today when it comes to Wall Street crime is when a courageous whistleblower comes forward before they are nabbed in a catch and kill operation.

Catch and Kill: the Protection Racket Used by Trump, Weinstein, Epstein and Wall Street
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