Tag: Nazarbayev

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U.S. Must Stay Out of Kazakhstan’s Troubles
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. Must Stay Out of Kazakhstan’s Troubles
January 12, 2022

There’s great temptation for Washington to get involved, says Anatol Lieven, whether it be driven by the pro-democracy industry or to cause trouble for Russia and China.

Clashes in Kazakhstan: Inspired by the Arab Spring?
December 18, 2011

In the past few months Kazakhstan, once the quietest country in Central Asia, has turned into a hotbed of extremism… Unrest in Kazakh cities is gaining pace ahead of next month`s parliamentary elections in the country and presidential elections in the years to come. Terror threat has long become a major issue of concern in the country`s domestic policy. And one should not ignore that in the north Kazakhstan has the world`s longest 7,000 km and poorly guarded border with the Russian Federation…

Clashes in Kazakhstan: Inspired by the Arab Spring?
Kazakh President thinks several moves ahead
Kazakh President thinks several moves ahead
February 6, 2011

In terms of time in power Nazarbayev is the absolute leader among the heads of the states of the former USSR… The repetition of the “Tunisian-Egyptian scenario” in Kazakhstan, which seems unbelievable to many people, has been regularly mentioned in the commentaries of the experts and statements of the officials in Astana…