Tag: Nation of Islam

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Black Jubilee of White America on Horizon
Black Jubilee of White America on Horizon
March 7, 2013

There is a plethora of US public organizations created to defend racial, ethnic and religious rights. Few of them think the creation of their own state on the territory of the USA is the only way to achieve justice for colored Americans like the Nation of Islam… Created in 1930 it immediately attracted the attention of American special services… Since then, the FBI included the Nation of Islam into the list of extremely dangerous groups, though, unlike the leaders of Muslim radicals, its leaders never called for toppling the US government, terror actions, and not even street protests. Moreover, the members are forbidden to take arms… So, the US government opposes the Nation of Islam just because its members are Muslims and openly express their discontent with the authorities from point of view of their vision of social justice… Probably the Nation of Islam has made the US establishment remember what Zbigniew Brzezinski told the Council on Foreign Relations in Canada and again at Yaroslavl forum in Russia – the USA is facing a social storm threatening to become a social tornado razing it all to the ground…