Tag: Murdoch

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Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter
Editor's Сhoice
Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter
July 5, 2024

The Murdoch machine comprises well over 100 newspapers – some of them among the world’s most well-known and influential, as well as dozens of TV channels and a formidable publishing empire. This power allows him to set the political agenda across much of the world. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair claimed that Murdoch was an “unofficial member” of his cabinet and that he was one of the four most powerful men in the United Kingdom.

The ‘Free’ Hypocrisy of the Western Media: Rupert Murdoch
October 9, 2022

The “freedom of the press” they speak of is only valid for organizations that will repeat their own narrative.

The ‘Free’ Hypocrisy of the Western Media: Rupert Murdoch
Who’s the Biggest Peddler of Fake News?
Editor's Сhoice
Who’s the Biggest Peddler of Fake News?
November 25, 2016

In the last month, Obama, Merkel, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and many other mainstream media have warned about the dangers of fake news. There certainly is a lot of fake news.  And some of it is by anti-establishment types trying to discredit American institutions with false reports. But – as we document below – the government and mainstream media are by far the biggest purveyors of fake news…

Rupert meets the spymasters
August 19, 2011

Murdoch and his minions have managed to set back for decades the notion of privacy. It was Murdoch's news entities, including Fox News and his tabloids in the United Kingdom and United States that were at the forefront of claiming a "new normalcy" after the 9/11 attacks ten years ago. The propaganda of fear coincided with the government's of George W. Bush and Tony Blair ushering into law draconian measures that put every citizen and resident of the United States and United Kingdom under suspicion as a potential "terrorist"…

Rupert meets the spymasters
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I’m a free enterpriser, must I be a capitalist too?
I’m a free enterpriser, must I be a capitalist too?
August 5, 2011

Corporate power is immense. President Obama may lose the next election because he has brought in a universal health care system. “The Tea Party” element of the Republican Party, which represents raw undiluted capitalism, not only condemns any sort of public healthcare system – something most western countries take for granted – it blames President Obama for trying to clean up the fiscal mess they left behind which was the consequence of Republican de-regulation of the money markets…