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NBC’s Cultural Revolution (Ronna McDaniel)
Editor's Сhoice
NBC’s Cultural Revolution (Ronna McDaniel)
April 22, 2024

For all the talk of a Civil Cold War now underway in America, Red vs. Blue, it is the wrong historical example. The professional death of Ronna McDaniel at NBC earlier this month was an event right out of Mao’s time, not Robert E. Lee’s.

We’re Taught About Liberal and Conservative Bias in Media, but Not U.S. Empire Bias
July 31, 2023

One of the biggest problems with the urgent push for “media literacy” we’ve been seeing in the west these last few years is that everyone’s being taught about liberal bias and conservative bias in media, but they’re not being taught about US empire bias.

We’re Taught About Liberal and Conservative Bias in Media, but Not U.S. Empire Bias
Editor's Сhoice
So We’re Already at the ‘Chinese Super Soldiers’ Part of the Propaganda Campaign
Editor's Сhoice
So We’re Already at the ‘Chinese Super Soldiers’ Part of the Propaganda Campaign
December 5, 2020

Painting the Chinese government as a cartoon villain willing to perpetrate any evil to conquer the world and drag it into the darkness, opposed only by the plucky forces of light in our own government, is as transparent a propaganda construct as it gets.

MSNBC Dissident Proves the Mainstream Media Cannot Change
August 8, 2020

People are comfortable in their ideological space which is naturally bad for pushing more open-minded narratives in the media.

MSNBC Dissident Proves the Mainstream Media Cannot Change
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Wealth Identity Politics: Billionaires Acting Like A Persecuted Minority Is Peak Capitalism
Editor's Сhoice
Wealth Identity Politics: Billionaires Acting Like A Persecuted Minority Is Peak Capitalism
October 4, 2019

The debate over whether or not billionaires should exist is long settled. They should not.

‘Restoring Democracy Around the World’: Bolton’s Failure in Plain Sight
October 2, 2019

Venezuela was not Bolton’s only failure: his “maximum pressure” strategy against Iran turned out to be much feebler than Tehran’s “maximum”.

‘Restoring Democracy Around the World’: Bolton’s Failure in Plain Sight
Former MSNBC Reporter Spills Details on Pro-Establishment Bias in Media
Editor's Сhoice
Former MSNBC Reporter Spills Details on Pro-Establishment Bias in Media
August 17, 2019

I strongly urge you to watch the eight-minute segment for yourself, but I’ll be transcribing parts of it as well for those who prefer reading, as well as for posterity, because it really is that historically significant.

Americans Should Be Very Skeptical of Calls for New ‘Terrorism’ Laws
August 7, 2019

Americans are the most propagandized people on earth because of their proximity to the most strategically crucial part of the empire; it’s not a coincidence that they’re also by far the most prone to mass shootings.

Americans Should Be Very Skeptical of Calls for New ‘Terrorism’ Laws
Editor's Сhoice