Tag: Moody’s

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Ratings Surrealism as Form of Organized Crime
Ratings Surrealism as Form of Organized Crime
January 23, 2016

In late December 2015, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced the publication of its «Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations». The commission produces such reports every year, as required by the 2006 Credit Rating Agency Reform Act. In the industry these documents are simply known as rating agency reports. The SEC provides details on ten nationally recognized statistical rating organizations in the US, including the three market leaders – Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch Ratings…

Why S&P Attacks Russia’s Credit Rating
January 5, 2015

As the New Year approaches, Standard & Poor's (S&P) international credit ratings agency revised Russia's sovereign credit ratings to credit watch negative from negative. It said it could downgrade Russia to the non-investment-grade (speculative-grade bond, or junk bond) as soon as mid-January. Is this assessment based on indicators reflecting the real state of Russian economy? Or is it another politically motivated step taken by the West to disbalance the Russia’s financial system?

Why S&P Attacks Russia’s Credit Rating
On the Fronts of the European Crisis
On the Fronts of the European Crisis
April 5, 2013

A group of well-known European and American economists have concluded that the euro currency itself is to blame for the problems in the eurozone. The report published recently by these economists, who joined forces in Massachusetts under the guise of the National Bureau of Economic Research, is the first at such a high expert level to pass sentence on the single European currency…