Tag: Monsanto

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The Most Horrifying Look at Monsanto Yet
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The Most Horrifying Look at Monsanto Yet
April 24, 2019

“Fear is the best weapon to awaken the reader,” says Samanta Schweblin, the acclaimed Argentine author of “Fever Dream.” “Fear is what makes you drop a book and run to your computer to Google what is happening, and think, ‘Can this happen to me? Is this really happening?’”

Match Made in Hell: Bayer-Monsanto Partnership Signals Death Knell for Humanity
June 30, 2018

The Bayer – Monsanto convergence is not occurring in a corporate vacuum. It is all part of a race on the part of the global agrochemical companies to stake off the world’s food supplies.

Match Made in Hell: Bayer-Monsanto Partnership Signals Death Knell for Humanity
Monsanto and Bayer: Why Food And Agriculture Just Took A Turn For The Worse
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Monsanto and Bayer: Why Food And Agriculture Just Took A Turn For The Worse
September 17, 2016

News broke this week that Monsanto accepted a $66 billion takeover bid from Bayer. The new company would control more than 25 per cent of the global supply of commercial seeds and pesticides. Bayer’s crop chemicals business is the world’s second largest after Syngenta, and Monsanto is the leading commercial seeds business.

Glyphosate in the EU
May 18, 2016

On 13 April, the EU Parliament called on the European Commission to restrict certain permitted uses of the toxic herbicide glyphosate, best known in Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’ formulation. Glyphosate was last year determined to be “probably carcinogenic” by the WHO.


Glyphosate in the EU
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US Assaults British Sovereignty
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US Assaults British Sovereignty
April 23, 2016

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU.

GMOs Produced through “Gene-editing”: European Commission Fails to Regulate New GMOs after Intense US Lobbying
April 23, 2016

The European Commission has shelved a legal opinion confirming that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) produced through gene-editing and other new techniques fall under EU GMO law, following pressure from the US government. A series of internal Commission documents obtained under freedom of information rules reveal intense lobbying by US representatives for the EU to disregard its GMO rules, which require safety testing and labelling.

GMOs Produced through “Gene-editing”: European Commission Fails to Regulate New GMOs after Intense US Lobbying
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Who Needs Gates and Monsanto? Confronting Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change: “Tremendous Success” of Agroecology in Africa
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Who Needs Gates and Monsanto? Confronting Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change: “Tremendous Success” of Agroecology in Africa
November 21, 2015

It is essential that we get off the chemical treadmill that the modern industrial urban-centric food and agriculture system is based on. It is essential in terms of our health, the environment and sustainability and not least in terms of food security […]

Genetically-Modified Food: Threat to Humankind
August 14, 2015

Scotland has become the latest nation to ban the cultivation of genetically-modified (GM) crops, also known as GMOs – genetically-modified organisms…While Scotland has championed the anti-«Frankenfood» cause, the U.S. Congress voted to ban states from requiring food manufacturers to label their food as being genetically-modified. 

Genetically-Modified Food: Threat to Humankind