Tag: Mineral resources

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Ukraine, peace, and minerals: What is known?
Ukraine, peace, and minerals: What is known?
March 18, 2025

At the core of the “peace” that the U.S. is trying to broker in Ukraine lies its preparations for new arenas of geopolitical competition.

Acuerdo minero entre Ucrania y Estados Unidos
March 7, 2025

Nuevas elecciones podrían pavimentar el camino para un gobierno que priorice los intereses de su pueblo. Pero, bajo las actuales circunstancias eso sería probablemente una utopía.

Acuerdo minero entre Ucrania y Estados Unidos
Il “grande gioco” nella regione del Sahel
Il “grande gioco” nella regione del Sahel
February 25, 2025

L’Africa, e in particolare il Sahel, possiede nel suo sottosuolo un patrimonio considerevole di risorse naturali, che suscitano da tempo l’interesse dei Paesi occidentali ma anche della Cina, della Turchia, dell’India, della Russia …

Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
February 24, 2025

New elections in Ukraine could pave the way for a government that prioritizes the interests of its people. But that is probably a utopia in the current circumstances.

Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
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Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
February 23, 2025

Others envy the Congo its wealth and bigger powers, such as those who use the Congo’s cobalt, are prepared to collaborate with those savages for their own base ends.

Keep on Trumpin’
February 11, 2025

Either Ukraine surrenders unconditionally – or the war show must go on. Meanwhile, let’s Keep on Trumpin’.

Keep on Trumpin’
Rwanda can and will destroy South Africa’s Congolese forces
Rwanda can and will destroy South Africa’s Congolese forces
February 1, 2025

The armed forces of Rwanda and their allies and proxies are all battle hardened and skilled in the type of bush war any clash between these regional titans would entail, whereas the forces of the DRC and South Africa are not.

Biden’s show in Africa at Europe’s expense
December 8, 2024

Will desperation lead the U.S. to internationalist brotherhood, or to accelerated rapine and plunder?

Biden’s show in Africa at Europe’s expense