Tag: Mike Bloomberg

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Why Can’t Inner-Ring Democrats Just Say ‘No’ to Billionaires?
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Why Can’t Inner-Ring Democrats Just Say ‘No’ to Billionaires?
February 18, 2021

In real life, billionaires don’t bring any exceptional brilliance into the political process. They bring their billions. They bring outsized stashes of cash that can distort election outcomes and safeguard their fortunes.

Corrupt and Incompetent Presidential Campaigns Are Becoming the Norm
April 7, 2020

But if someone is completely unable to run a campaign effectively they have no business being President of the United States of America.

Corrupt and Incompetent Presidential Campaigns Are Becoming the Norm
The Media’s Deafening Silence on Mike Bloomberg’s Ties to Epstein and Other Criminals
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The Media’s Deafening Silence on Mike Bloomberg’s Ties to Epstein and Other Criminals
March 2, 2020

Bloomberg and Epstein also shared close friendships with some of the same New York media executives like Mort Zuckerman. Media outlets have described Zuckerman, a former business partner of Epstein’s, as Bloomberg’s “long-time enabler.”

Neoliberalism Has Radicalized a Whole Generation
February 28, 2020

Neoliberalism wasn’t even acknowledged as an actual ideology until fairly recently. In fact, many neoliberals continue to deny its very existence.

Neoliberalism Has Radicalized a Whole Generation
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Nevada Caucus-Goers Crown Bernie Sanders, Bury Bloomberg and Warren
Nevada Caucus-Goers Crown Bernie Sanders, Bury Bloomberg and Warren
February 26, 2020

Bernie Sanders is now the unstoppable figure. He, indeed, appears fated to be Trump’s true nemesis, writes Martin Sieff.

Fat Women Are Not a National Priority
February 23, 2020

Good work, Democrats! In the Las Vegas debate, you blasted every target but Donald Trump. Instead of quivering in his Gucci loafers, the man who would be king was left dancing on air.

Fat Women Are Not a National Priority
Editor's Сhoice
Democrat Debate: Bloomberg Left for Dead in Nevada Desert
Democrat Debate: Bloomberg Left for Dead in Nevada Desert
February 23, 2020

Who would have thought than an open debate about the merits of capitalism vs socialism would predominate in the otherwise neoliberal Democrat Party?

Michael Bloomberg Among the Attack Dogs
February 22, 2020

Mayor Bloomberg, for all his wealth and achievements, has up to now lived quite a sheltered life. His first presidential debate was a rude awakening.

Michael Bloomberg Among the Attack Dogs