Tag: McCain

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Trump vs. McCain: an American Horror Story
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Trump vs. McCain: an American Horror Story
March 24, 2019

Why is Donald Trump deliberately picking a fight with the ghost of John McCain? It might seem he has nothing to gain and much to lose from this battle. To understand the roles of the myth in American culture and politics, one needs to look at its history.  

McCain May Be Dead, but ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran’ Still Resounds
January 26, 2019

The jovial retort about killing people by bombing them was not surprising to those who remembered what John McCain was doing during the US war on Vietnam.

McCain May Be Dead, but ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran’ Still Resounds
American Warmongering and Opportunism on Parade
American Warmongering and Opportunism on Parade
September 6, 2018

Who is the real John McCain? A credible case has been made that he almost certainly crossed the line and collaborated extensively while a prisoner in North Vietnam.

The Other Side of John McCain
August 28, 2018

If the paeans to McCain by diverse political climbers seems detached from reality, it’s because they reflect the elite view of U.S. military interventions as a chess game, with the millions killed by unprovoked aggression mere statistics, says Max Blumenthal.

The Other Side of John McCain
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Neocons Want Trump Acting Tougher on Russia
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Neocons Want Trump Acting Tougher on Russia
October 2, 2017

The legislation prevents Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea without congressional permission – for sure not forthcoming.

Why Is John McCain Accusing Rand Paul of Working for Russia?
March 20, 2017

John McCain set an ugly precedent in the U.S. Senate this week. On Wednesday, McCain and two Democrats—Ben Cardin of Maryland and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire—asked the Senate for a unanimous consent vote to advance Montenegro’s bit to join NATO. McCain would brook no dissent: to any colleague who would object to unanimous consent, he warned, “You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin… trying to dismember this small country which has already been the subject an attempted coup.” Sen. Rand Paul did object, then left the chamber. And McCain, on the floor of the Senate, explicitly called his colleague an agent of a foreign power.

Why Is John McCain Accusing Rand Paul of Working for Russia?
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Trump Confronts New McCarthyism
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Trump Confronts New McCarthyism
February 12, 2017

President Trump has hit back forcefully against the New McCarthyism, including a stunning rebuke of Sen. John McCain for fanning a New Cold War with Russia and risking World War III, writes Gilbert Doctorow.

Misreading Trump, Putin and US-Russian Relations
January 11, 2017

The ongoing biases against Russia lead to new matters to refute. Matching the gross one-sidedness of her Washington Post (WaPo) employer, Kathleen Parker's January 6 essay «If Obama Is a Muslim, Is Trump a Russian Spy?», overlooks some damning points running counter to her faulty slant. Donald Trump has taken back his comments that questioned whether Barack Obama is American born. For its part, The WaPo continues to denigrate Russia in a factually challenged manner. (The use of the crank Propornot website and the false claim of a Russian hacking of the Vermont power grid being prime examples, along with continuous top heavy anti-Russian op-ed pieces and news reports.)…

Misreading Trump, Putin and US-Russian Relations