Tag: Mattis

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Liberal Mush From the Mad Dog
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Liberal Mush From the Mad Dog
June 6, 2020

Mattis, an obedient servant of President Trump for two years, has been persuaded that the wind is blowing the other way and his “place in history” demands that he get himself on the correct side.

The Mattis Dilemma
December 27, 2018

The resignation letter of Secretary of Defense James Mattis revealed much of the Deep State mindset that has produced the foreign policy catastrophes of the past seventeen years.

The Mattis Dilemma
Mattis Marks End of the Global War on Terror
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Mattis Marks End of the Global War on Terror
December 26, 2018

Senior officials never seem to resign over a president starting a war. Now Trump, the guy everyone expected to start new wars, has instead ended one and is on his way to wrapping up another.

Both Leading Candidates to Replace Mattis are Maximum War Hawks
December 25, 2018

Though Mattis’s record as Secretary of Defense is far from admirable, there is every indication that the person set to succeed him will be far worse. Mattis’ “retirement” as Secretary of Defense paves the way for further escalation in an increasingly unstable world that seems to be inching closer to another major war.

Both Leading Candidates to Replace Mattis are Maximum War Hawks
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First Fallout of Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from Syria
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First Fallout of Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from Syria
December 22, 2018

President Trump's strategic decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria creates some significant fallout. The U.S. and international borg is enraged that Trump ends an occupation that is illegal under international as well as U.S. domestic law. "That's un-American!"

Mattis Resigns
December 21, 2018

As wrong as Mattis was on a number of foreign policy issues, there is a real danger that his successor could be far worse. Even if Trump doesn’t nominate a Tom Cotton or Lindsey Graham, the next Defense Secretary is very likely to be a yes-man in the mold of Mike Pompeo.

Mattis Resigns
Editor's Сhoice
Spinning Against Russia & Reality
Spinning Against Russia & Reality
December 13, 2018

Russia is the only country that has held open talks with the governments of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria and the US.

Mattis Tells All Without Any Evidence
December 6, 2018

United States Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis asserted that Russia had again sought to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections, which were completed last month.

Mattis Tells All Without Any Evidence