Tag: Magnitsky Act

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Weaponising Human Rights: Can the Magnitsky Act Deny Due Process?
Editor's Сhoice
Weaponising Human Rights: Can the Magnitsky Act Deny Due Process?
October 31, 2020

The Australian parliament seems about to approve a ‘human rights’ law that would establish the ability to exert arbitrary state power over individuals in other countries who have been accused of human rights violations. Ironically, this law gives the accused no day in court, and no chance to see charges or evidence, confront accusers, present a defence or have a ruling made by an authority other than the prosecution.

Censored Russian Filmmaker Speaks Out Against ‘European Magnitsky Act’ as Yet Another Western Hit-Job Against Moscow
October 5, 2020

From the suspicious ‘poisoning’ of the Skripals in the UK, to the downing of Malaysia Flight 17 over Ukraine, Russia is never invited to contribute testimony and evidence that may help to shine a critical light on the proceedings.

Censored Russian Filmmaker Speaks Out Against ‘European Magnitsky Act’ as Yet Another Western Hit-Job Against Moscow
The Russian Interference Report, Without Laughing
Editor's Сhoice
The Russian Interference Report, Without Laughing
August 17, 2020

Craig MURRAY Now the madding crowd has moved on, I take a mature look at the report by the Intelligence and Security Committee on Russia. It is so flawed it is tempting simply to mock it. But in fact, it is […]

Mueller Report Gets the Trump Tower Meeting Wrong; Promotes Browder Hoax
July 4, 2019

Natalia Veselnitskaya didn’t have “dirt” on Hillary Clinton and when the Russian lawyer met with Trump’s people her focus was not on the 2016 campaign, writes Lucy Komisar.

Mueller Report Gets the Trump Tower Meeting Wrong; Promotes Browder Hoax
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A Month in the Life of the World’s Richest Man
A Month in the Life of the World’s Richest Man
June 7, 2019

Remember the Panama Papers? First they were about Putin; then when somebody noticed that the word “Putin” didn’t appear anywhere, they were by Putin. But bubbles keep bubbling.

Sherlock Holmes Investigates Magnitsky’s Death
September 26, 2018

Sherlock Holmes investigates the death of Sergei Magnitsky, as well as looks into the possible role his associates, first of all Bill Browder, might have in his passing.

Sherlock Holmes Investigates Magnitsky’s Death
Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
Editor's Сhoice
Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
July 30, 2018

Bill Browder, who benefited enormously from Russian corruption, has expertly repackaged himself as a paragon among businessmen, endearing himself to the Russia-haters in Washington and the media.

The Three Global Super-Powers
February 19, 2018

While America thus spends itself into becoming increasingly a third-world country, China and Russia pursue different objectives, Eric Zuesse writes.

The Three Global Super-Powers