Tag: Jobbik

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Will Carpathian Sich Kill Hungarian Activists?
Will Carpathian Sich Kill Hungarian Activists?
May 13, 2015

The relationship between nationalities in Transcarpathia is delicate enough – reckless steps can break the peace. Taras Deyak, the commander of Carpathian Sich, a battalion of punishers, threatened to eliminate the activists of Hungarian minority… By threatening to take actions against representatives of Yobbik and HVIM in Transcarpathia the Carpathian Sich crossed the red line dividing the killings of dissenters inside the country (Oleg Buzina, Oleg Kalashnikov, others) from physical threats directed against the citizens of neighboring state…

The Hungarian Issue in Transcarpathia
March 19, 2015

In his book Ukraine at the Crossroads (2015), former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov writes: «Essentially, Ukraine has never been a mono-national state. The Donetsk and Luhansk regions were different from the Kharkiv region, and the Zaporizhia and Dnepropetrovsk regions were different from the Sumy and Chernigov regions. And I am not even going to talk about Galicia and Transcarpathia. Ukraine as a unitary state is a constant source of conflict» . The fact that the unitary state structure of Ukraine has started to create a permanent civil conflict is confirmed by recent events. Yet the Ukrainian authorities are still obstinately insisting that «Ukraine was, is, and will be a unitary state»…

The Hungarian Issue in Transcarpathia
Hungary: Ukrainian Syndrome
Hungary: Ukrainian Syndrome
January 16, 2015

A wave of street protests hit Hungary in 2015. Over 5 thousand people protested the policy of Prime Minister Victor Orban on January 2. The government has taken steps to strengthen ties with Russia recently… Gábor Vona, the leader of the Hungarian second largest political party Jobbik (the Movement for a Better Hungary)… believes that the situation in the country is extremely worrisome. Unstable Ukraine is a neighboring country. It complicates the things. Mr. Vona points out that the US special services clearly have a hand in organizing the recent street protests. Normally such activities are coordinated by the US embassy… Gábor Vona thinks that Washington will do its best to make Victor Orban change its course or topple him if the Prime Minister persists…