Tag: Janet Yellen
A importância do telefonema do presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, ao presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, na terça-feira, é o consenso de que durante o período desde a sua cúpula em Woodside, Califórnia, em novembro de 2023, a relação EUA-China “está começando a se estabilizar”.
The salience of the phone call from the US President Joe Biden to Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday is their consensus that during the period since their summit meeting in Woodside, California, in November 2023, the US-China relationship “is beginning to stabilise”.
Now that we’re post-FOMC and ECB we have a clear playing field for another 6 weeks. The US debt ceiling theater is now center-stage along with completing the transition away from LIBOR, which will become an anachronism at the end of Q2.
As has become standard fare from Biden administration officials on the US relationship with China, a speech delivered by Treasury secretary Janet Yellen at the Johns Hopkins University last week was full of hypocrisy and outright falsifications.