Tag: Jackson

HJS and British State must understand is that attempting to whip up false narratives regarding Britain's 'strategic interests' in the South China Sea will only further isolate and weaken an already badly damaged UK.

The roots of neoconservatism are 100% imperialistic, colonialist, supremacist, and blatantly evil. They hate Russia because they still crave to conquer it.

Over the course of the summer there was great fanfare and much to do from the British Secretary of State, Sir Michael Fallon MP, regarding the 'completion' of two new British aircraft carriers called HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales…

With the United Kingdom in the grip of another General Election, it is worth looking at what the British political parties are offering for their vision of Britain in the world, if such vision exists, and what the foreign policies are of the two main British political parties – the Conservative Party led by Theresa May and the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn…