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Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Government in Afghanistan
Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Government in Afghanistan
March 16, 2021

The U.S.-created and supported government of Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse. It has lost all credibility with its people because of its incompetence and unbelievable corruption.

‘Operation Endless War’? 17 Years In Afghanistan
October 10, 2018

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas…

‘Operation Endless War’? 17 Years In Afghanistan
Get Out of Afghanistan and Go Home
Get Out of Afghanistan and Go Home
July 27, 2017

In Afghanistan on 24 July, a Taliban suicide bomber killed forty people in the centre of Kabul, just four days after a US airstrike killed 16 Afghan policemen in Helmand Province…

Islamic State Opens Third Front in Afghanistan
February 3, 2015

…The US does not rush to recognize the fact of Islamic State’s presence in Afghanistan, but Kabul does not deny the information that the group’s militants coming from Syria and Iraq are operating in the country… The Islamic State would like to open a third front in Afghanistan (after Iraq and Syria)… In the south the Islamic State is trying to split the Taliban to make the group’s militants join its ranks… The leaders of Pakistani Taliban have already pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and are ready to contribute into the creation of Islamic Caliphate…

Islamic State Opens Third Front in Afghanistan
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Can Afghan Army do it alone with US and NATO Forces Gone?
Can Afghan Army do it alone with US and NATO Forces Gone?
February 7, 2014

…The Afghan security forces lack clear understanding what they are defending and who they are fighting against… As a whole the United States and NATO pinned their hopes on finding solutions to a number of questions before the troops pull out. Mainly the solutions are still to be found. Soon we’ll see if Afghanistan is able to maintain stability in the country on its own – the Taliban has promised to undermine the plans to hold a presidential election in April 2014…

Afghanistan in the Strategic Plans of Iran
December 12, 2013

…The inevitability of an escalation of the situation in the country after the Americans leave frightens everyone, but it seems that Tehran considers it to be the lesser of two evils. For the Iranians it is more important not to allow the continued long-term American occupation of Afghanistan up to the year 2024, as provided for in the draft agreement which so far Karzai does not want to sign…

Afghanistan in the Strategic Plans of Iran
US to Stay in Afghanistan after 2014
US to Stay in Afghanistan after 2014
November 26, 2013

On November 24 Afghan elders at a grand assembly in Kabul called for a security deal with the US to be signed this year… The document outlines a broad, long term relationship with Afghanistan that commits the United States to sustaining the Afghan security forces for years to come, and likely deploying thousands of American troops in the country to carry out that training and the limited counter-terrorism role… The draft also allows unfettered overflight rights of US military aircraft… Speaking at the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) held late September in Sochi Russian President Putin said the planned 2014 ISAF withdrawal from Afghanistan could pose a major threat to its neighbors…

NATO Steadfast Jazz Exercise – Chill of Cold War
October 17, 2013

…Exercise «Steadfast Jazz» is the largest in scale NATO training event in seven years to be held from Nov. 2 to 9 in a number of locations across the Alliance with the largest elements being hosted in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. If NATO were ever called on to defend an alliance member, «we have to be prepared for the more high-end of military operations», said U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove speaking at a NATO headquarters at Brunssum in the Netherlands on September 18…

NATO Steadfast Jazz Exercise – Chill of Cold War