Tag: Iceland
When Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with President Donald Trump, December 2019, Trump was threatening less support for NATO and European conflicts if they did not use 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for defense. What defines “defense” is at issue herein since Denmark, at least, could not meet 2% without using funds for the current war in Ukraine-Russia.
More people in Iceland than in most countries are politically conscious and motivated to take on corruption in politics and business in Iceland than in most countries, Ron Ridenour writes.
The United States has a long relationship with Iceland. Since 1951, when a treaty was signed, it continues to be responsible for the defense of the country. Iceland has no military, but the country’s coast guard fulfills most military missions, and is responsible for maintaining Keflavik as a military installation…
On and off media reports appear saying the so-called revolution in Iceland is an example of successful fight against the world financial oligarchy. In concrete terms it is all about the debts that Iceland owes to deposit account holders… It’s difficult to say goodbye to illusions. Iceland is just another example of the way world bankers manage to guide the energy of public protest into the direction they desire. It’s even hard to imagine what the West would do if the people of Iceland really decided to stand up and oppose the interests of Financial International. In reality there are many examples of genuine precedents of such actions taking place in the contemporary world when the all-powerful financial oligarchy is really confronted. Only these events are hushed up by world media…