Tag: Hypersonic Weapons

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What Could Be the Real Reason Behind Russia’s Operation in Ukraine
What Could Be the Real Reason Behind Russia’s Operation in Ukraine
April 26, 2022

In November 2021, the US Army officially recommissioned the 56th Artillery Command, based in Mainz-Kastel, Germany. It will be equipped with the Dark Eagle hypersponic weapon, capable of accelerating to more than five times the speed of sound. When deployed, these weapons will be able to hit Moscow in about 20 minutes. Shortly after this announcement, Russia demanded security guarantees from the West. After these demands were rejected, Moscow launched its special military operation in Ukraine.

America: The Deluded Superpower
May 30, 2020

Chasing after the exceptionalist goal of dominance in everything, everywhere, all the time is a “tried and true” road to oblivion.

America: The Deluded Superpower
War and Plagues: Military Spending During a Pandemic
Editor's Сhoice
War and Plagues: Military Spending During a Pandemic
May 15, 2020

Conn HALLINAN “There have been as many plagues as wars in history, yet plagues and wars take people equally by surprise” – Albert Camus, “The Plague” Camus’ novel of a lethal contagion in the North African city of Oran is […]

Hypersonic Weapons and National (In)security
October 7, 2019

Hypersonic weapons are just the most recent manifestation of the urge to engage in an “arms race,” even if, as a sports metaphor, it couldn’t be more off base.

Hypersonic Weapons and National (In)security
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Decoding the Hypersonic Putin on a Day of Remembrance
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Decoding the Hypersonic Putin on a Day of Remembrance
November 15, 2018

The Russia-China strategic partnership simply won’t allow any funny – reckless – games to be played against a crucial node of Eurasia integration.

Russia Deploys Its Avangard Glide Vehicle – the Unmatched Leader in Hypersonic Technology
November 8, 2018

The announcement of the plans to field the HGV as early as next year prove that Russia was not bluffing. This game-changing weapon not only exists, but is already in production.

Russia Deploys Its Avangard Glide Vehicle – the Unmatched Leader in Hypersonic Technology
US Steps Up Hypersonic Technology Effort: Playing Catch Up Ball
US Steps Up Hypersonic Technology Effort: Playing Catch Up Ball
September 10, 2018

How successful are America’s efforts to take the lead in hypersonic technology going to be? The US is actually just beginning to get its feet wet in this area, while Russia already has hypersonic weapons in its inventory

Two Knockout Blows to US Imperialism: De-Dollarization and Hypersonic Weapons
August 3, 2018

In the current multipolar world in which we live, economic and military factors are decisive in guaranteeing countries their sovereignty.

Two Knockout Blows to US Imperialism: De-Dollarization and Hypersonic Weapons