Tag: Huntington
Si parla spesso di Occidente collettivo, di Egemone, di Seapower e Civiltà del Mare in relazione agli Stati Uniti d’America. Occorre comprendere bene quale è l’origine di questo potere geopoliticamente determinante per l’ordine mondiale.
Make America Great Again will mean what? Restoring American hegemony in the world, or rebuilding America?
The breakneck US demographic dynamics and its potential global impact have been the subjects of intense debates over the past couple of decades. As can be understood from the US Census Bureau estimates, the share of White Europeans' descendants in the US dropped from 83.4% in 1970 to 65% in 2010 and will further shrink to 46%-48% by 2050… In California, for example, only 40.1% of the residents were of European descent in 2010. At the moment Europeans do remain the majority in New York with 57%, but their part in the wider metropolitan area has decreased from 54.3% to 49.6% over the past decade…