Tag: Hizb ut-Tahrir

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“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
July 9, 2024

In an effort to understand this newest threat to the Lebanese people, Steven Sahiounie interviewed Rawad Daher, a well-known Lebanese journalist.

What Makes the EU So Rabidly Hypocritical
April 15, 2019

When there’s a choice to be made between supporting jihadists or else to side with Russia (or any nation that’s friendly toward Russia), the American team always back the jihadists or other extremists.

What Makes the EU So Rabidly Hypocritical
‘Pravy Sektor’ and ‘White Al-Qaeda’ – two sides of the same coin
‘Pravy Sektor’ and ‘White Al-Qaeda’ – two sides of the same coin
March 13, 2014

The situation in Ukraine is not changing by the day, but by the hour. The junta that has come to power as a result of the coup d’état organised from the outside is made up of fragmented, loosely-connected parts. Tymoshenko and Turchynov are fading into the background, not to mention Klitschko, while neo-Nazi Dmytro Yarosh, head of the international terrorist group Pravy Sektor («Right Sector»), and his right-hand man Andriy Paruby, who were included in the coup as part of the ‘temporary government’, are moving forward to take leading roles. It has been reported that some of the Pravy Sektor militants received military training in Lebanon and Syria…

The Eurointegration of Ukraine Ricochets into the Crimea
October 23, 2013

…As Erdogan has announced, Ankara welcomes Ukraine's plans for eurointegration. The reason is simple: it will be easier to increase Turkish influence in the Crimea in a «European» Ukraine than in a «Eurasian» Ukraine. Yigit Bulut, an advisor to the prime minister of Turkey, has stated that the European Union is entering a phase of disintegration and that the Turks must return to their political traditions rather than hover on Europe's doorstep. The scale of the «political traditions» Bulut has in mind is impressive: Turkey must regain its «natural leadership» in the Middle East, Northern Africa and Central Asia. The Crimea also falls within the scope of the Turkish foreign policy doctrine…

The Eurointegration of Ukraine Ricochets into the Crimea