Tag: Healthcare

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Americans Live Shorter Because of Willful Self-Destructive Behavior
Americans Live Shorter Because of Willful Self-Destructive Behavior
December 1, 2019

Shouldn’t people in the richest country in human history live the longest? Sadly life expectancy for Americans seems to be going downwards.

A Wicked Cocktail of Corporate Greed, Social Media and Opioids Is Slashing U.S. Life Expectancy Rates
November 30, 2019

Something is killing Americans and researchers have yet to find the culprit. But we can risk some intuitive guesses.

A Wicked Cocktail of Corporate Greed, Social Media and Opioids Is Slashing U.S. Life Expectancy Rates
Warning! Masculinity Is Hazardous to Men’s Health, Says American Psychological Association
Warning! Masculinity Is Hazardous to Men’s Health, Says American Psychological Association
January 16, 2019

In reality, the ones who are in need of serious guidelines are the so-called medical professionals – in cahoots with the media industry and drug makers.

‘Stupidity Epidemic’ Impedes Vaccination Against Preventable Diseases
December 20, 2018

All of us, from individuals to governments, have a moral responsibility to ensure that every child, in countries rich or poor, is vaccinated. Parents and governments that refuse to do so are the enemies of their children, their communities and, ultimately, the entire world.

‘Stupidity Epidemic’ Impedes Vaccination Against Preventable Diseases
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Yes, Unvetted Illegal Caravans Threaten Public Health
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Yes, Unvetted Illegal Caravans Threaten Public Health
November 1, 2018

It's neither racist nor xenophobic nor hateful to discuss the impact of unfettered mass immigration and unvetted caravans of illegal border-crossers on our public health.

Declaration of Alma-Ata: ‘Health for All’ 40 Years On
October 7, 2018

Forty years ago last month, thousands of delegates from 134 countries gathered in Kazakhstan, then part of the Soviet Union, to adopt the Declaration of Alma-Ata. This landmark agreement committed the world to expanding health access, and the principles it enshrined in a mere three pages continue to have a profound effect on the field of public health.

Declaration of Alma-Ata: ‘Health for All’ 40 Years On
Editor's Сhoice
Putin: The Man Who Stopped Washington’s Regime Change Rampage
Editor's Сhoice
Putin: The Man Who Stopped Washington’s Regime Change Rampage
March 3, 2018

So, here’s the question: Is Putin “evil” for opposing Washington’s regime change wars, for stopping the spread of terrorism, and for rejecting the idea that one unipolar world power should rule the world? Is that why he’s evil, because he won’t click his heels and do as he’s told by the global hegemon?

What Trump Is Learning from His Presidency
July 22, 2017

It is now clear that Donald Trump had never cared about public policy except to the extent it affected his own bottom line as a businessman, and that he’s only now starting, as the U.S. President, to think about ideology, and about public policy, and about what the functions of government are and what they ought to be, and how they can most efficiently be carried out in policy. He’s in a learning-mode, now, more than a doing-mode. So: what is he actually learning?..

What Trump Is Learning from His Presidency