Tag: Haley

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Neocon Nikki signs Israeli bombs urging Israel to kill Palestinian civilians
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Neocon Nikki signs Israeli bombs urging Israel to kill Palestinian civilians
May 29, 2024

Just when you thought “Neocon Nikki” could not sink any lower, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has posted on Twitter/X a deeply disturbing photo of former Republican presidential candidate – and reportedly in the running for Trump’s VP pick – in Israel signing bombs destined for Palestinian refugees living in tents in Rafah with the slogan, “FINISH THEM!”

How Haley’s Hawks Brought Carnage to Ukraine
November 29, 2023

The U.S. hawks who have prolonged and intensified the conflict in Ukraine are coalescing around Nikki Haley.

How Haley’s Hawks Brought Carnage to Ukraine
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Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley
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Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley
December 11, 2018

When UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her upcoming resignation from the position, establishment loyalists spent the day awash with grief that the Trump administration was losing one of its remaining moderate Republican voices.

Naming the Top Anti-Russian Advocates
October 23, 2018

When compared to the leading hardcore Russophobes, Michael McFaul comes across more as being a diva, seeking to maintain a niche within the anti-Russian leaning US establishment.

Naming the Top Anti-Russian Advocates
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Psychic Nikki Haley: If There Is a Future Chemical Weapons Attack, Assad Did It
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Psychic Nikki Haley: If There Is a Future Chemical Weapons Attack, Assad Did It
September 6, 2018

The violence in Syria was planned and orchestrated years in advance, and now hundreds of thousands of human beings are dead as a direct result. And these monsters are now pretending to be concerned about human rights?

The United States Withdraws from the World
June 28, 2018

There is clearly a disinclination on the part of the Trump Administration to support multinational bodies. Complete withdrawal from the United Nations is not unthinkable.

The United States Withdraws from the World
America Forfeits Its Influence at the UN
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America Forfeits Its Influence at the UN
June 22, 2018

Nikki Haley's withdrawal from the Human Rights Council might feel good, but it leaves America weaker and worse off.

Nikki Haley Rage
November 19, 2017

Current incumbent Nikki Haley is the worst of the lot, an embarrassment to the office she holds, an over-the-top loose cannon, an imperial lunatic, a geopolitical know-nothing, a Russophobic extremist – representing America’s ugly face, its ruthless agenda, its imperial madness.

Nikki Haley Rage
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