Tag: Germany

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Gli Accordi di Minsk furono un tentativo di pace o un preludio di guerra?
Gli Accordi di Minsk furono un tentativo di pace o un preludio di guerra?
March 6, 2025

Ad ormai 10 anni di distanza dagli Accordi di Minsk 1 e 2, occorre una riflessione obiettiva su quello che è stato uno dei momenti più tesi e disattesi della storia della diplomazia contemporanea.

Germany, revival 1949
March 5, 2025

Nostalgic old Germans. Who would have thought that in 2025 they would once again split Germany in two?

Germany, revival 1949
Europe’s reckless bid for victory
Editor's Сhoice
Europe’s reckless bid for victory
March 5, 2025

Donald Trump wants peace, now. Volodymyr Zelensky and his European supporters want victory, later. This is what the very public disagreement in the Oval Office on Friday was all about. Peace through victory — essentially the Second World War model — is the lens through which virtually all European leaders, and most commentators view the Russia-Ukraine conflict. America sees it differently.

Germany’s misinformation plan targets thoughtcrime
March 4, 2025

“Orwellian” is an overused adjective in our post-Covid, technologically advanced modern world. Yet it is the perfect description of Germany’s new advice centre for people who have friends or family prone to “conspiracy thinking”. The country’s Ministry of the Interior is offering help and material to combat the “wrongthink” of those affected, supposedly to stop the spread of fake news and misinformation.

Germany’s misinformation plan targets thoughtcrime
Editor's Сhoice
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Reality confronts the Euro ruling-strata – ‘Through the tear in the fantasy bubble, they see their own demise’
Reality confronts the Euro ruling-strata – ‘Through the tear in the fantasy bubble, they see their own demise’
March 4, 2025

Ostensibly, it is not in Europe’s interest to mount a concerted resistance against the U.S. President over a failed war.

Were the Minsk Agreements a peace attempt or a prelude to war?
March 3, 2025

Until the United States learns to negotiate honestly and transparently, any attempt at reconciliation will be based on specious ideas and hypocrisy.

Were the Minsk Agreements a peace attempt or a prelude to war?
A spectre is haunting Germany
Editor's Сhoice
A spectre is haunting Germany
February 28, 2025

The German establishment’s panic over Elon Musk reveals its true fear of the electorate.

La sfida esistenziale che la Germania è chiamata ad affrontare
February 27, 2025

La Germania vacilla. È quanto emerge dalle elezioni federali tenutesi domenica 23 febbraio, attestanti una polarizzazione particolarmente marcata e preoccupante della società tedesca.

La sfida esistenziale che la Germania è chiamata ad affrontare