Tag: Franklin Templeton

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Technical Default or Death Sentence for Ukrainian Economy?
Technical Default or Death Sentence for Ukrainian Economy?
October 10, 2015

Situation in Ukraine has been leading up to this for a long time and it has finally happened. A default was formally registered on 23 September – the day that the European Committee of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) adopted its resolution on Ukraine confirming the country’s technical default…

Kiev Holds Talks With International Money Lenders: This Month is Decisive
June 12, 2015

Time is running out for both parties to reach an agreement as a June 15 – the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deadline for the restructuring approaches. Ukraine is to restructure the $40 billion bailout. It must meet the mid-June deadline by which it must find a way to save $15 billion (13.7 billion euros) over four years…

Kiev Holds Talks With International Money Lenders: This Month is Decisive
Ukraine and the Rothschild Family
Ukraine and the Rothschild Family
March 17, 2015

A group of large international investors buy out Ukrainian government’s securities. Franklin Templton is one of them… Franklin Templton has all the makings of a «financial vulture»… According to a recent Bloomberg report, the investment fund acts under US jurisdiction and is controlled by Rothschilds, the family known for its death grip… The Bloomberg’s information is not detailed but it allows to make the following conclusions: first, the default of Ukraine is inevitable and the credit holders are aware of this fact, second, the default will be accompanied by restructuring on tough terms unfavorable for Ukraine…

Financial Vultures Start to Circle Over Ukraine
November 13, 2013

There is more and more evidence that Ukraine could declare default soon… The Financial Times reported on November 10 that Franklin Templeton Investments, one of the US largest investment funds, acquired the bonds of Ukrainian government worth $ 5billion, accounting for 20 percent of the Ukrainian foreign debt… Franklin Templeton possesses all the makings of a financial vulture. The acquisition of 20% of the debt proves Ukraine is at the threshold of plunging into default. The financial vultures have bulldog grip. They will not let Ukraine, their new victim, go. The recent decision handed down by New York court in favor of financial vultures and to the detriment of Argentina has inspired them in their endeavor to achieve more victories. Another and the most famous case as yet may be the victory to be held over Ukraine…

Financial Vultures Start to Circle Over Ukraine