Tag: Facebook

Este podría ser el tema que marque no solo este año que comienza y el siguiente, sino todo un nuevo ciclo político que debería ser visto no solo como el cambio de administración en la Casa Blanca, sino como la implementación de una nueva estrategia cognitiva para defender el mismo sistema agonizante. “Cambiar todo para que nada cambie”, como decía proféticamente el escritor italiano Guiseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa en la novela ‘El Gatopardo’.

The notoriously intelligence-friendly social media network appears to have imposed a ban on posting a recent report by Kit Klarenberg, and is automatically restricting users who re-publish his work.

Among my favorite websites are SouthFront and Strategic Culture. I know they are good because Facebook won’t let me post links saying they are “against community standards”. Wouldn’t matter if the post were from God. You will notice the Jesus doesn’t post on any of the social media.

Facebook has begun censoring a Substack article by journalist Seymour Hersh which asserts that the US government, in coordination with Norway, was behind the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines last September.