Tag: Eurosceptics

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Moral Panic Over Refugees in the English Channel Is the Ugly Face of Brexit
Editor's Сhoice
Moral Panic Over Refugees in the English Channel Is the Ugly Face of Brexit
August 13, 2020

There is no flag big enough to cover the shame of the hysteria that’s been whipped up by the army of bigots who’ve poisoned our politics in recent years, chief among them Nigel ‘pint and fag’ Farage.

The Troika Horse: EU Corona Package Puts Italy (and Southern Europe) Under Economic Siege
April 19, 2020

EU Finance Ministers have agreed on a Coronavirus Rescue Package – or so media headlines suggested. What the Eurogroup actually did was to push Italy and Southern Europe one step closer to a Greek scenario.

The Troika Horse: EU Corona Package Puts Italy (and Southern Europe) Under Economic Siege
Europe Won’t Admit the Mini-BOTs Are Coming
Europe Won’t Admit the Mini-BOTs Are Coming
June 25, 2019

Italy’s Euroskeptic government led by Lega’s Matteo Salvini and Five Star Movement’s Luigi Di Maio are preparing an assault on the foundation of the European Union itself to save Italy.

The Center Isn’t Holding in Europe
June 3, 2019

Since these elections didn’t end up with an upside surprise for the Euroskeptic parties overall, the usual suspects in Brussels will wrongly take that as a vote of confidence to thwart any reforms to their European project.

The Center Isn’t Holding in Europe
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Now Is the Time for a Right-Wing ‘Eurovision’
Now Is the Time for a Right-Wing ‘Eurovision’
May 31, 2019

The European Parliament elections are not a moment of triumph for today’s winners who want a self-respecting, powerful and dignified Europe to make its return, but this victory is at least an opportunity to make further strides towards that end.

Brussels Shows Its Fear of Euroskeptics
March 10, 2019

Expelling Orban from the EPP will only give him more strength. It will only give Euroskeptics more ammunition. Orban, like Salvini, revels in being the outsider.

Brussels Shows Its Fear of Euroskeptics