Tag: Mark Esper

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U.S. Ruling Class Wins Again
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U.S. Ruling Class Wins Again
November 18, 2020

Both Millay and Esper had balked in June at Trump’s threat to invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act to quell Black Lives Matter and all other protests across the country.

Because of Russia, China and England – and Because Our Men Were Brave
September 30, 2020

It is horrifying to set the words of Ernie Pyle alongside those of Mark Esper and to understand how far we have come – and it has been downhill all the way.

Because of Russia, China and England – and Because Our Men Were Brave
The Pentagon’s Battle Space Is Expanding
The Pentagon’s Battle Space Is Expanding
June 9, 2020

It is difficult to believe that this is what is wanted by the American people who desire only to live in tranquillity, Brian Cloughley writes.

Trump’s War on Arms Control and Disarmament
May 28, 2020

A successor to the Trump administration will have to rebuild the credibility of the Department of Justice and the effectiveness of such regulatory agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Consumer Finance Protection Agency. 

Trump’s War on Arms Control and Disarmament
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Army May Have Hosted Largest Gathering During Pandemic
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Army May Have Hosted Largest Gathering During Pandemic
April 30, 2020

The Pentagon “failed to adequately respond” to the COVID-19 pandemic, charged ten Democratic lawmakers in a letter sent to the Pentagon Monday. The lawmakers say “lack of clear guidance” from Defense Secretary Mark Esper has put service members at risk because there has not been a clear coronavirus policy across the Defense Department.

How the UK is Violating International and Domestic Law
February 11, 2020

While illegally spying on its own citizens, collecting massive amounts of data on them, the British government has also arbitrarily detained and tortured those that risked their lives and liberties to expose the practice.

How the UK is Violating International and Domestic Law
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The Kerfuffle War – Trump’s Iran De-escalation Succeeds
The Kerfuffle War – Trump’s Iran De-escalation Succeeds
January 9, 2020

De-escalation requires that both parties save face, and can come away with tangible minor victories and agree that the real underlying dispute is resolved in the future.

So 14,000 Troops To The Middle East ‘Fake News’? Not So Fast
December 10, 2019

Nevertheless, Esper may still propose to the White House sending a smaller number of troops and or other military assets to the Persian Gulf, forcing Trump to make a decision he would probably rather avoid.

So 14,000 Troops To The Middle East ‘Fake News’? Not So Fast
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