Tag: Economist

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Why Western Clichés About the Pakistani Army Are Misleading
Why Western Clichés About the Pakistani Army Are Misleading
February 5, 2019

It is certain there will continue to be regional instability, and that in Pakistan it will be essential that the army continues in its role as protector of democracy, Brian Cloughley writes.

The Curious Case of The Economist: How It Manipulates Its Readers with Slanted Comment on Russia
December 24, 2018

Why did the objective and original Economist indulge in Moscow-slanging? That is the question.

The Curious Case of The Economist: How It Manipulates Its Readers with Slanted Comment on Russia
The Afghan Quagmire Gets Deeper, Denser and Bloodier
The Afghan Quagmire Gets Deeper, Denser and Bloodier
August 12, 2018

In all the years of useless conflict in Afghanistan the western media has never listed the names of Afghan Army soldiers killed in action, because these soldiers don’t matter in the greater scheme of things in which they are but inconsequential pawns.

Kim 10 Trump 0
June 25, 2018

The United States and North Korea are now on a more civilized level of behavior. But nothing basic has been resolved. Maybe Trump has some more concessions up his sleeve, like cutting the number of US troops in the South. But Korea is now on the back burner as Trump wages trade wars around the globe.

Kim 10 Trump 0
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British Propaganda and Disinformation: An Imperial and Colonial Tradition
British Propaganda and Disinformation: An Imperial and Colonial Tradition
April 16, 2018

The world is being asked to take, at face value, the word of patented liars like Trump, Bolton, and other neocons who are now busy joining the Trump administration at breakneck speed.

Congress Has Chosen the Wrong Strategy to Deal with Russia
December 12, 2017

A recent editorial in the Economist magazine simultaneously reveals both the intellectual shallowness of the new Cold War and its source of inspiration. It does so by tying together three points that have become staples of the current mind-set about Russia.

Congress Has Chosen the Wrong Strategy to Deal with Russia
Editor's Сhoice
Scandinavia, the Baltics, NATO, and Russia
Scandinavia, the Baltics, NATO, and Russia
August 20, 2017

The admirable weekly newspaper The Economist had an article in October ten years ago titled «Putin flexes his muscles». The most recent Economist, on 12 August 2017, has an article on its website titled «Russia’s biggest war game in Europe since the cold war alarms NATO» — but in the print edition on my desk the same piece is titled «Mr Putin flexes his muscles». One wonders why the headline was changed, but it is interesting to note that the honorific «Mister» has been added since 2007. Not much else has altered, however, and the harangues of muscle-flexing anti-Putin rhetoric have continued unabated through the years.

Why Pope’s Meeting with NATO’s Stoltenberg Was So Intriguing
October 22, 2016

When Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg of the US-NATO military alliance went to see the Pope on October 13 there were some observers unkind enough to express surprise that Mr Stoltenberg could spare the time for such an appointment; but all was made clear when it was announced that the call was made in the sidelines of his visit to Rome to celebrate the establishment anniversary of the NATO Defence College, an institution that has contributed generously to the Italian economy.

Why Pope’s Meeting with NATO’s Stoltenberg Was So Intriguing