Tag: Dragon Family

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What is behind the information attacks on the FED?
What is behind the information attacks on the FED?
January 23, 2013

Every year the financial world becomes more and more turbulent. There are sharp fluctuations in the stock market index, highly volatile exchange rates, massive bank failures, sudden cross-border movements of "hot" money in the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, and generally increased instability in the global financial system. Information attacks play a huge role in maintaining the global financial system in this state, by throwing breaking news at the information space, often of a shocking nature…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (III)
December 11, 2012

According to one of the versions (David Wilcock, the Financial Tyranny), the Chinese gold had to be returned in 60 years, that is in 1998. Allegedly the successors of Guomindang, settled in Taiwan, went to the International Court in the Hague. The Court was said to hold close sessions and handed down the decision to return the gold no later than September 12, 2001, the day before the well-known events took place in New York, the terrorist act that destroyed the Twin Towers. They say there is a direct link between the 9/11 tragedy and the «black» gold, that had been stored under the Trade Center skyscrapers and mysteriously disappeared in the fire after the buildings went down…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (III)
«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (II)
«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (II)
December 10, 2012

David Wilcock, the author of a series of publications under a single name Financial Tyranny thinks the concentration of giant reserves of gold in clandestine storages was needed by the world oligarchy for the issuance of paper money flows without any back up. Some other authors share the support of this version referring to Adam Smith, who in his The Wealth of Nations made a thorough study of the woes inherent in the financial system backed by gold and the ways to make it without gold currency. He proved it to be evil for capitalists and the whole society. The only beneficiary of the gold standard, imposed on many states by the end of the XIX century, were the Rothschilds, who controlled the major portion of gold, at least in Europe, if not in the whole world…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (I)
December 8, 2012

The attacks against world leading financial institutions have become more frequent recently, for instance the legal claim lodged by the anonymous group code-named the Dragon Family. Some Neil Francis Keenan is acting as its representative… Keenan claims that before WWII the U.S. the Federal Reserve System (12 Federal Reserve Banks, to be more exact) had received enormous amounts of money – delivered in gold and other precious metals – from a group of several wealthy Chinese citizens to be kept for a long time. In return they got certificates testifying the money was placed for the benefit to be redeemed by Federal Reserve System on the expiration of specified term…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (I)