Tag: Customs Union

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German Biotech Lobbyism Echoes in Eurasia
German Biotech Lobbyism Echoes in Eurasia
May 21, 2014

Recent decision of German Poultry Association to allow use of genetically modified soy in poultry operation triggered new discussions on biotech food safety and GMO lobbyism. Consumers in the European Union should have the right to choose between organic and GMO food before the World Trade Organization neoliberal rules go into full effect… The EU agricultural sector is ineffective and extremely costly. Almost 40% of the total EU budget is still spent on the Common Agricultural Policy. In some countries political battles for agricultural subsidies take grotesque forms. For example, in March French farmers were so enraged at Brussels’ policy that they stormed into Paris' iconic Louvre museum with a herd of sheep, Euronews reported…

Eurasian Economic Integration in 2013: Results and Prospects
December 30, 2013

A meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council took place in Moscow on December 24 with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. After the meeting of the heads of states which make up the integration nucleus, the counterparts from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, as well as Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov, who was there as an observer, joined the talks… The signing of the Eurasian Economic Union treaty is slated for May 2014 to launch the project in January 2015. The creation of a powerful industrial and financial base will allow to compete and make the Union one of world economy leaders. The achievement of this strategic objective is the main mission of the Eurasian Economic Space for the coming future…

Eurasian Economic Integration in 2013: Results and Prospects
Russia and Armenia’s Strategic Partnership Given New Impetus
Russia and Armenia’s Strategic Partnership Given New Impetus
December 5, 2013

On 2 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Armenia. The state visit began in the republic’s second largest city, Gyumri, in the outskirts of which is located the Russian 102nd Military Base, covering the border between Armenia and Turkey… The close cooperation between Russia and Armenia with regard to military and technical cooperation was the basis for the strengthening of bilateral economic ties and Armenia’s inclusion in the processes of integration into Euroasia. Before Yerevan made the decision to join the Customs Union, there were a number of disputes surrounding Armenia’s choice between Eurasian and European integration trends. These disputes have now lost their urgency. Even those in Yerevan who are fervently in support of the European option are beginning to realise that the progressive strengthening of Russia’s economic position in Armenia defeats the purpose of any previously formed plans for associating the republic with the European Union…

India interested in signing agreement on free trade zone with Customs Union
October 24, 2013

India is interested in signing an agreement on free trade zone with the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan), this issue should be considered seriously, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the […]

India interested in signing agreement on free trade zone with Customs Union
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Eurasian Project a Threat to New World Order
Eurasian Project a Threat to New World Order
October 9, 2011

One might be tempted to regard Russian premier V. Putin's paper “A new integration project for Eurasia: The future in the making”, which saw the light of day in Izvestia on October 3, 2011, as the presidential front-runner's sketchily laid out program, but upon scrutiny that appears to be only one part of a wider picture. The opinion piece momentarily ignited wide-scale controversy in and outside of Russia and highlighted the ongoing clash of positions on global development…