Tag: Conservatism

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Conservatives of the World – unite?
Conservatives of the World – unite?
January 17, 2025

Are the BRIC states – Brazil, Russia, India and China – more conservative than Western countries?

One of the largest protests in Bucharest: What’s behind it?
January 16, 2025

In the absence of a genuine center-left, these discontented masses are turning to far-right figures and parties as a solution.

One of the largest protests in Bucharest: What’s behind it?
A imunidade parlamentar brasileira morreu em 2021. A culpa é das redes sociais
A imunidade parlamentar brasileira morreu em 2021. A culpa é das redes sociais
December 12, 2024

Os conselhos de Olavo de Carvalho podem ser resumidos como: agir como um histérico, ser reprimido, posar de vítima e esperar o Tio Sam aparecer para salvar.

Brazilian parliamentary immunity died in 2021. Social media is to blame
December 10, 2024

Olavo de Carvalho’s advice can be summarized as: act like a hysteric, be repressed, pose as a victim and wait for Uncle Sam to show up and save you.

Brazilian parliamentary immunity died in 2021. Social media is to blame
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The first-round “surprise” in Romania’s elections: What does the Georgescu-Lasconi race mean?
The first-round “surprise” in Romania’s elections: What does the Georgescu-Lasconi race mean?
November 30, 2024

The roughly 350,000-vote difference between Georgescu and his closest competitor underscores the growing appeal of right-wing populist skepticism toward Europe.

Trump, a product made from the moral bankruptcy of the Democratic Party
November 9, 2024

Voting for Trump to solve the problems of the living conditions of the U.S. working class is like leaving someone in the desert because he is thirsty.

Trump, a product made from the moral bankruptcy of the Democratic Party
The greatest Brazilian neoconservative phenomenon in a nutshell
The greatest Brazilian neoconservative phenomenon in a nutshell
October 20, 2024

Olavism is a digital marketing pyramid which sells to people the feeling of being cultured and politically aware, but, instead turns them into the prey of astrologers and into histrionic defenders of Fusionism.

Brazilian midterm shows a growing Right and a shrinking Left
October 10, 2024

If Lula had governed during the pandemic, everything indicates that Brazil would have its own Milei now.

Brazilian midterm shows a growing Right and a shrinking Left