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The Creation of an Asian OSCE Takes the Spotlight
The Creation of an Asian OSCE Takes the Spotlight
November 20, 2018

Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, proposed to create an Asian organization for security and cooperation. 

CICA Summit – New Security Concept to Match Global Trend
May 23, 2014

The fourth CICA summit took place on May 21-22, 2014 in Shanghai with China assuming the chairmanship for 2014-16. The Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is an inter-governmental forum created for promoting peace, security and stability in Asia… BRICS, the CSTO, the SCO, the Latin America’s Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) created in 2011 to keep outside the US and Canada – all of them are the examples of international organizations emerging in the world which exclude the US and its close allies to avoid the influence they find negative. The CICA summit is an element of the global trend taking tangible shape.

CICA Summit – New Security Concept to Match Global Trend
Obama’s Gambit: A New Indochina War
Obama’s Gambit: A New Indochina War
May 23, 2014

…The new nationalist right-of-center Narendra Modi government in India has threatened China with force over disputed border territories. With such policies, Modi will find a willing partnership in Washington when it comes to tightening the noose on China. The recent unprecedented criminal indictments by the U.S. Justice Department of five Chinese military officers for allegedly hacking into private corporation computer systems in the United States may be the first shot of what may eventually end up as a new Indochina War, one of Mr. Obama’s own making…

Russia, China: Predictable Relationship
May 19, 2014

Russian President Putin is going to China. The news is like a gulp of fresh air in the suffocating atmosphere of Kiev with its burnt tires and repressions against dissidents. The tour is a positive step forward with bright prospects for future built on solid basis. This is a turning point in history. Russia is being dragged by the West into another cold war and is subject to unprecedented pressure with clear intentions to subvert it. It’s not just a collision of interests – the system of values is undermined, the very right of people and states for self-determination is scorned…

Russia, China: Predictable Relationship