Tag: Hugo Chavez

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Total rupture is the only option left for Venezuela
Total rupture is the only option left for Venezuela
August 11, 2024

Many say that Maduro is not Chávez, but now he has the opportunity to honor his legacy and do something that Chávez himself was never able to do.

A ruptura total é a única opção que restou à Venezuela
August 10, 2024

Maduro e o chavismo têm a necessidade imediata e vital de colocar em prática a ideia proposta por ele.

A ruptura total é a única opção que restou à Venezuela
La ruptura total es la única opción que le queda a Venezuela
La ruptura total es la única opción que le queda a Venezuela
August 9, 2024

Maduro y el chavismo tienen una necesidad inmediata y vital de poner en práctica la idea que él propone.

Regime change in Venezuela unlikely
August 1, 2024

Venezuelan internal cohesion and the loyalty of the Bolivarian military create difficulties for Western plans in the country.

Regime change in Venezuela unlikely
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Remembering Hugo Chavez’s Legacy
Remembering Hugo Chavez’s Legacy
March 10, 2020

Chavez is not merely history. His political power was derived from the social movements in Venezuela which supported his socialist reforms, Ramona Wadi writes.

The Murder of Chávez. The CIA and DEA Cover Their Tracks
March 14, 2016

The journalist Eva Golinger (US – Venezuela) has repeatedly questioned the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. The website Iberoamerica.net quotes her statement: «Everything that Washington was trying to achieve during the administration of Hugo Chávez is today being realized in his absence. The cancerous illness from which Chávez suffered was unusually aggressive and suspicious, and every day turns up more evidence that it is possible Chávez was murdered»…

The Murder of Chávez. The CIA and DEA Cover Their Tracks
U.S. Intelligence Planning to Oust the President of Ecuador
U.S. Intelligence Planning to Oust the President of Ecuador
December 28, 2013

Rafael Correa is one of those Latin American presidents which ruling circles in the U.S. consider uncontrollable and thus especially dangerous. To get rid of such politicians, Washington makes use of a wide arsenal of means, from interfering in election processes to physical elimination. After the strange death of Hugo Chavez, who led Latin America's resistance against the Empire, it  is Correa who is increasingly seen as his successor, the leader of the "populist forces" on the continent…

Individual Terror as Pattern of Washington’s Foreign Policy
October 1, 2013

Physical elimination of foreign politicians fallen out of US favor has become a routine matter for Obama’s administration. The US special services have put to good use the experience of international terrorist organizations as well as the inventions of its own, like, for instance, purposeful cancer contamination or the use of «radioactive delayed action mines». The Empire has not ended the clandestine operations against Latina America’s «populist leaders» even after the death of Hugo Chavez… Someone will say – is it the «conspiracy theory» again? Is it the story about the cruel methods used by the United States ruling circles to clear the way for establishing Pax Americana – from unprovoked wars to individual terror? Exactly…

Individual Terror as Pattern of Washington’s Foreign Policy