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Britain on the Leash with the United States – but at Which End?
Britain on the Leash with the United States – but at Which End?
October 13, 2018

The “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom is often assumed to be one where the once-great, sophisticated Brits are subordinate to the upstart, uncouth Yanks.

The Death of CENTO’s Ghost: How the US Lost the Four Great Powers of Southwest Asia
September 14, 2018

CENTO is gone. The Baghdad Pact is dead. The four great buffer powers that the US and the UK looked upon to dominate the northern tier of Southwest and South Asia have abandoned Washington or are about to do so. The consequences of this development – born of a generation of stupid, heedless and selfish US policy bungles – will reshape the world.

The Death of CENTO’s Ghost: How the US Lost the Four Great Powers of Southwest Asia
An Arab NATO Would Be Two NATOs Too Many
Editor's Сhoice
An Arab NATO Would Be Two NATOs Too Many
August 3, 2018

Nowhere else have Washington’s expectations and practical consequences been as divergent as in the Middle East. Decades of U.S. involvement have left America hostage to the counterproductive policies of irresponsible allies, such as Israel.