Tag: Center for Responsive Politics

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The French Election: End of an Era?
Editor's Сhoice
The French Election: End of an Era?
April 24, 2022

“Optimism is cowardice,” said Oswald Spengler. We shouldn’t have false hopes. French President Emmanuel Macron will probably win this Sunday’s runoff election against the National Rally’s Marine Le Pen.

The US and Canada should butt out
June 7, 2012

The US. and to a lesser degree Canada, have little to teach, let alone preach about democracy. I know something of this from personal experience because I sat in the British Columbia Legislature and in its cabinet for five years. It didn’t take long for me to learn that our cabinet are responsible to the House which can at any time turf out a government by a simple majority but such is the party discipline, it never happens…

The US and Canada should butt out