Tag: Cecil Rhodes

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Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops: Jesuits, Tavistock and the Battle for the Soul of China
Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops: Jesuits, Tavistock and the Battle for the Soul of China
October 18, 2021

It isn’t merely the domains of cultural warfare and religious cults that Xi Jinping has to worry about, but additionally hives of foreign-directed agents operating on a multitude of domains within China’s government and business community.

The First World War, Cecile Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power
September 22, 2021

David William Pear says the era in which the British Empire set out to destroy Germany in 1902 — leading the way to World War I — is frighteningly similar to that of today’s U.S. hostility to the rising of China and Russia.

The First World War, Cecile Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power
Editor's Сhoice
How Conspiracy Theorizing May Soon Get You Labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’
How Conspiracy Theorizing May Soon Get You Labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’
February 15, 2021

Conspiracies for good and for evil do exist now, as they have from time immemorial, Matthew Ehret writes. The only question is which intention do you want to devote your life towards?

Rhodes Scholars Surge in Biden’s Potential Cabinet
December 27, 2020

History is shaped by Ideas. Good ideas that are in tune with the truthful nature of reality vs bad ideas that are out of tune with said reality, Matt Ehret writes.

Rhodes Scholars Surge in Biden’s Potential Cabinet
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The Birth of a Global Nation: What Makes a Modern Rhodes Scholar?
The Birth of a Global Nation: What Makes a Modern Rhodes Scholar?
August 13, 2020

Since an open system/creative character is intrinsically uncontrollable, and a cause of disequilibrium, Rhodes Scholars and neocons who are obsessed with godlike control can do nothing but hate and fear it.

The Brookings Hand Behind Russiagate Points Back to Rhodes Trust Coup on America
August 10, 2020

Animals are not less dangerous when they are wounded and desperate, and with the meltdown of Russiagate and the light increasingly shining on the British agents in America, these beasts are more dangerous than ever.

The Brookings Hand Behind Russiagate Points Back to Rhodes Trust Coup on America
The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO
The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO
June 28, 2020

The “recovery of the United States” should seriously resonate with anyone with doubts over the role of the British Empire’s ambition to undo the international effects of the American Revolution.