Tag: Bank of America

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Clinton Scandal: Taxpayers’ Money for the Campaign Election
Clinton Scandal: Taxpayers’ Money for the Campaign Election
October 10, 2016

The American election campaign never ceases to amaze in terms of twists. The Clinton Foundation has again been the victim of a new hack carried out by Guccifer 2.0, leading to the revelation of some interesting details. Among them is an Excel file with a list of donors.

Untouchable Bankers: Too Big to Jail?
April 22, 2016

The latest news from Wall Street: according to Fortune magazine, the «Big Six» banks in the US – Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley – paid a total of more than 30 fines, about $110 billion, for ripping off the mortgage market and thus sparking the 2007-2008 global financial crisis…

Untouchable Bankers: Too Big to Jail?
America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine
America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine
May 23, 2015

Since 2009, it has been compulsory for all major US banks to pass an exam called a stress test. The test checks the banks’ ability to withstand sudden changes in economic and financial conditions. Put simply, it assesses the banks’ ability to survive should America experience a financial crisis similar to the one in 2007-2009. In all the years of testing, the majority of US banks have received a rating of ‘satisfactory’, and even then with a stretch of the imagination. Some banks have had to retake the exam… The results of the stress testing shows that America is living on a delayed-action mine called the US banking system, and sooner or later this mine is going to explode…

Untouchable Banks: The End of the Easy Life (II)
November 7, 2013

While at first the main target of prosecution on charges of discreditable mortgage practices was Bank of America, which was traditionally one of the top five, if not the top three banks on Wall Street, in autumn 2013 JPMorgan Chase topped the black list. Among Wall Street banks it has consistently occupied first place in assets (currently 2.3 trillion dollars). JPMorgan Chase will pay the U.S. government 13 billion dollars in exchange for dropping the investigation into the bank's activities in the mortgage field. An agreement to this effect was reached by the bank's management and the U.S. Department of Justice. This is an absolute record for compensations received by the U.S. government from a private business…

Untouchable Banks: The End of the Easy Life (II)
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Untouchable Banks: The End of the Easy Life (I)
Untouchable Banks: The End of the Easy Life (I)
November 5, 2013

The largest banks of Wall Street, the London City and other financial centers of the West have always been considered «Too Big to Fail». Such big-name banks were categorized as «untouchables», «sacred cows» which were destined to exist forever. And that is not surprising; the demise of any one of the «sacred cows» of the banking world could plunge not only one country, but the entire world into the depths of crisis. After all, the «sacred cows» existed outside of the so-called market economy, with its fierce competition, high risks, bankruptcies and defaults. They lived their lives in the oases of «banking socialism»…