Tag: Austria

East of the Shankill Road, Vienna is potentially the most perilous place to play politics in Europe. Now almost sixteen years to the day since the ambiguous death of nationalist leader Jörg Haider, his FPÖ party is again on the cusp of power in the Central European state.

Average duration of national governments in Europe has significantly decreased over the past decade. According to an EU Matrix research, governments from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria last on average for less than a single year. These numbers are likely to decrease in the future also for countries that have been more stable over the past decade, such as Germany and Netherlands, which are displaying signs of rising political instability.

Forty-eight hours before a global peace conference in Vienna, Austria, was to begin, the venue host abruptly cancelled. Peace, it seems, cannot be discussed, especially peace in Ukraine.

Today was the big Pride Parade in Vienna. I’ve never seen a Pride parade. The most striking things were all the kids there, especially middle school and teenage girls, all decked out in their rainbow gear. Everybody seemed to be really into it, and having a good time.