Tag: Apple

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Apple: Forced Labor in India With Foxconn
Apple: Forced Labor in India With Foxconn
January 10, 2023

Is the assembly of Apple iPhones in India “good corporate governance“?

Korea Fires First Shots in War Against Tech Titans
September 27, 2021

Daniel Tudor is a cheerful man and he has every reason to be: The South Korean government has, simply by passing a piece of legislation, made him 15% richer.

Korea Fires First Shots in War Against Tech Titans
Editor's Сhoice
Apple’s Quiet War on Independent Repairmen
Editor's Сhoice
Apple’s Quiet War on Independent Repairmen
April 10, 2021

Talking about the abuses of Apple is one of the reasons that Rossmann’s YouTube channel has been successful, with now more than 1.5 million subscribers. If Apple wants a video down Rossmann would like them to file a copyright claim. In doing so Apple would have to make its reasons public.