Tag: Antarctic

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Antartide, incognita frontiera della geopolitica del futuro
Antartide, incognita frontiera della geopolitica del futuro
December 2, 2024

Il crescente interesse per l’Antartide da parte di potenze come la Cina e la Russia non riguarda solo la cooperazione scientifica, ma si estende anche alla competizione per le risorse e l’influenza mentre la regione diventa sempre più centrale nella rivalità geopolitica internazionale.

Antarctica, unknown frontier of the geopolitics of the future
November 27, 2024

The growing interest in Antarctica by powers such as China and Russia is not only about scientific cooperation, but also extends to competition for resources and influence as the region becomes increasingly central to international geopolitical rivalry.

Antarctica, unknown frontier of the geopolitics of the future
Ancient Antarctic Ice Melt Caused Extreme Sea Level Rise 129,000 Years Ago – And It Could Happen Again
Editor's Сhoice
Ancient Antarctic Ice Melt Caused Extreme Sea Level Rise 129,000 Years Ago – And It Could Happen Again
February 16, 2020

Despite 197 countries committing under the Paris agreement to restricting global warming to 2˚C by the end of this century, our findings show that even minor increases in temperature could have far-reaching impacts.